BinaryConcepts is a professional fund management company with emphasis on fund management through FOREX trading, cryptocurrency mining and trading.We are a group of qualified and trained capitalists with technical knowledge in general commodity trades including Forex trading, cryptocurrency mining and trading.The hardware crypto mining farm is located in an undisclosed location in Borgarnes,Iceland, where our team of IT professionals perform all necessary steps for a continuous and effective crypto mining of the main cryptocurrency of the world called BITCOIN. Locating our massive mining facility in Iceland comes with a lot of benefits. Iceland happens to be the only country in the world that generates 100% of it's power through renewable sources.Iceland already produces more than twice as much electricity per capita as any country in the world and it's data centers are projected to use 300% more power this year. Cryptocurrency mining accounts for about 90% of the electricty consumed by Iceland's data centers.The Nordic climate and geothermal steam provide two things the world's computers need in seemingly endless supply; cooling and electricity. That makes Iceland an ideal place for data centers, which contribute hundreds of millions of dollars to Iceland's economy. We do have an agreement with a Renewable Power Generation Company and also installation of Solar Panels and Wind Turbines,the best in the market, to provide constant electricity. Our farms are open for visits at scheduled intervals otherwise has a highly restricted access to non-staff. Place a request to visit and you will be sent information on the next schedule and you will be directed on the necessary arrangements.
The vast majority of customer deposits are stored offline in air-gapped cold storage. We only keep enough online to facilitate active trading, which greatly minimizes risk and exposure. Our auditing programs monitor every activity 24/7/365. Their job is to report and block any suspicious activity before it becomes a problem.
We have strong roots and believe in customer service and transparency. We are committed to optimum delivery and uprightness. We let our service do the talking.
Any funds you put into BinaryConcepts are only used to facilitate trading through your account. Unlike banks, we do not operate on fractional reserves